Red Oak
Upcoming 2020 Events
Color and Composition Simplified
A Plein Air Workshop in Midland, Texas
Oct 8, 9 and 10, 2020
Join me in Midland, Tx for a 3-day workshop and learn to create stronger compositions. We will learn how color plays an important role in your compositions as well as value, masses and edges. Each day will begin with a demonstration and quick lecture followed by students painting the remainder of the day. The class will be kept small, maximum of 12 participants with ample time for individualized instruction at the easel. You will receive a supply list after you register. The workshop will emphasize simplifying shapes and accurate color and value mixing.
The workshop is designed to encourage artists at all levels to attain greater mastery of their painting skills.
The cost of the workshop is $375. If you want to secure your spot or would like more info, please call me at 936-499-7170 or email me at
Past Events
En Plein Air Texas
Oct 18 to 27, 2019
Sponsored by San Angelo Museum of Art
I am honored to be invited back to this exciting event: A week of painting in San Angelo and the surrounding historic area. It will culminate with special events for collectors at the Museum. Over 275 paintings will be exhibited and for sale at the Fort Concho Quartermaster & Commissary Buildings beginning Friday evening, Oct 26 and culminating Sunday evening, Oct 28. The public is welcome to watch the artists paint during the week, as well as during the quick draw at the San Angelo Roping Fiesta on Saturday morning. For more information, visit
Workshops: Light and Color Simplified
November 7, 8 & 9, 2019
9 am to 4:30 pm
Red Oak Gallery Studio Conroe, Tx
This 3-day workshop will be held at my studio and is limited to 6 participants. It
is scheduled during the cool days of fall when the colors are warm and air is crisp. We will do studies/paintings outdoor and indoor. We will take what we have learned about painting from life outside and bring that knowledge inside for studio paintings.
Learn to paint in a fresh and simplified style. Each day will begin with a demonstration and quick lecture followed by students painting the remainder of the day. The class will be kept small with ample time for individualized instruction at the easel. You will receive a supply list after you register. The workshop will emphasize simplifying shapes and accurate color/value mixing.
The workshop is designed to encourage artists at all levels to attain greater mastery of their painting skills. Fran will review the basics of solid design and composition, color, values, edges and paint application.
If you would like more info, please call me at 936-499-7170 or email me at
The cost of the workshop is $300. You will need to register and pay the $100. deposit here.
The Annual Show/Open Studio
Beautify your home or workplace
this Holiday Season!
The gallery/studio will be open
Nov. 20 thru 24
Wednesday thru Sunday
10 am to 6:30 pm
No need to call for an appointment.
Coffee and pastries in the mornings.
Wine and light snacks beginning at 4 pm.
Browse Relax Enjoy